Thursday, November 6, 2008


Heyy everybody!

So, as you know, this website belongs to three people (although on NEVER goes on! Haha, Satine). So, just wanted to say hi.


Oh. My grandpa asked me about this whole Wicca thing, and he said that I shouldn't ask for something without having first worked for it, because there is always a price.

And if I get too into it, I will pay with my flesh (metaphorically speaking).

Or my family (Literally).
He said that what Magick is, is it is a shortcut, and life is not supposed to be about shortcuts.
You'll greatly appreciate what you have in life if you have worked for it.
If I make a spell for a pony (not that I would) and I got it, I would probably not really care after the first couple of years...
But if I had to shed my very own blood, sweat and tears for it, well...
I would cherish it.
My g'pa is a smart man.

This is one of the funniest pictures I've ever seen...

It took me a few seconds to realize that she was making out with a tree...

And then a few more to notice that they were both part of the tree...



Because I'm bored, I'm going to post the start of a story i'm writing! Yay!

Tuatha De


Thousands of years ago, Ériu, were defeated by the Tuatha De Danann and Nuada, their King. Now, the new King of Ireland, Nuada brought out the four treasures from the four great cities.
The four treasures, also known as the Hallows of Ireland, were placed in Nuada's throneroom, never to be touched by a soul.
From Falias, came the Lia Fáil, or the Stone of Destiny.
From Gorias, came the Spear Luin, forged by the smith of Falias for Lugh to use in his fight against Balor of the Evil Eye, the King of the Formorians.
From Murias, came Dagda's cauldron, the Coire Anseasc, or the Undry Cauldron.
But, the most important of the four, was the Claíomh Solais, or Nuada's Sword of Light. No one could escape it.

And no one could resist it.